Monday, 3 March 2008

For our common humanity and democracy, oppose the BNP!

I friend of mine recently sent me a link to a YouTube video clip. Its essential message is the earth is a miniscule dot in an infinite universe; we should be much more aware that in order for us to advance as a species we all have to get on with one another, recognise our common humanity and sort thinks out collectively - because there is no where else we can go. It’s very moving and a powerful antidote to the hatred that is so common in our political life – particular the current racism and xenophobia peddled by the likes of the popular broadsheet press, the extreme right and the neo-fascist British National Party. Have a look at the clip at:

Whilst I am on the topic of the British National Party, its of great concern that they are standing a candidate in a by-election in Wellingborough. This is the first time a neo-fascist party has stood in the area. They will, of course, be roundly rejected by the electorate, but nonetheless their particular poison has the ability to infect the body politic for a long-time – creating an on-going atmosphere of hatred, division and intolerance. There is also a real danger that they may use the election campaign to establish a base in the town, so they can peddle their poison for years to come. Some people may be tempted to vote for them as a protest vote against the government, the local council or whatever. There are however candidates standing representing all the major political parties in the UK (except Independent Socialists!). To vote for the BNP as “a protest” is unnecessary – there are plenty of alternative ways to voice protest other than voting for fascists. Some people may also be tempted to vote for them because they think the BNP offer seemingly simple and direct solutions to often complex problems. But if people think that the BNP offers “solutions” to anything they are serious misguided. Voting for the BNP is like voting to cut your head off because you have a headache!

At the end of the day, the BNP are an anti-democratic party; they are a racist party; they are fascists who would abolish democracy at the first sniff of political power; they stand for hatred, not hope; they stand for the scape-goating of groups for all sorts of problems which they have not caused; they create an atmosphere of violence and intimidation whereever they are active. They must be opposed by all people of goodwill across the respectable and democratic political spectrum. They have no place in our democratic political system!

If you want to get involved in the campaign to defeat the BNP in Wellingborough over the next three weeks e-mail me at:


  1. Do you not see the irony of accusing the BNP of hatred, division and intolerance when you are guilty of this practice yourself?

  2. You say the BNP are an anti-democratic party that would abolish democracy - surely it is you that is anti-democratic by wanting to take away the BNPs democratic right to stand. Hypocrite.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I am as intolerant of racism, xenophobia, hatred, genocide and the ideology and practices of the BNP as I am against child abuse, paedophilia criminality, bad manners, and things that crawl out of the sewers (like the BNP!).

    I do not advocate that the BNP's rights to stand in elections should be removed. However I will oppose them and urge people not to vote for them. That too is a fundamental democratic right that the BNP would take away given half a chance. We know what fascism looks like, smells like and what it would do to democracy - that is why the BNP needs to be vigorously opposed.

    Paul Crofts

  5. So do you think it is acceptable for standing councillors to distribute third party literature telling people who they should not vote for?

  6. Yes I do - absolutely! It is essential that the nature of the BNP as a fascsist party is fully exposed; and what they stand for challenged at every and all opportunities.

    Paul Crofts
