Saturday 27 March 2010

General Election: Our Values

We want to see a socialist society based on the following values:

 the basic needs of all – for food, clothing, a home, love, dignity and respect – are met

 there is equal opportunities for all to develop their talents and abilities to the full - enriching society and themselves

 all are free from oppression, injustice, discrimination and exploitation – particularly if based on gender, race, disability, age, sexuality, ethnic or national origins, religion or belief or low income/social class

 positive action is taken to reverse historic inequalities

 children are nurtured, nourished and respected

 older people are valued and cared for

 people of different cultures, religions, ethnicities, “races” or background are valued and respected as human beings. Differences are a source of unity and celebration – not conflict and hatred

 there is respect for democracy and democratic institutions - opposition to all forms of corruption – the highest standards of behaviour and leadership in public life

 no one has the right to impose their values or life-style on others that breaches their fundamental human rights

 our world is developed sustainably and we all take full responsibility – individually and collectively - to ensure we leave the world and its environment secure for future generations

 we contribute to a new global community of co-operation, interdependence

 we eliminate poverty, famine, debt, militarism and war


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