Sunday, 11 November 2012

Wellingborough: The Future. What sort of community do we want it to be?

A debate on "Wellingborough: The Future. What sort of community do we want it to be?" will be held on Tuesday November 27th at 7.15 in the Victoria Centre, Palk Road, Wellingborough, NN8 1HR.

The organisers of the event said in a statement:
"This event is open to the public and provides a rare opportunity for the people of Wellingborough to hear political speakers from different perspectives in a debate on the future of our town. There will also be full opportunities for the public to participate .

So often you will hear people say that they don't know what is happening to the town, or that such-and-such should be done to improve it, or people moan about the fact that their views are not listened to. This meeting provides an opportunity for people to have a say and to question political leaders".

The event is jointly organised by Independent Socialists in Wellingborough (ISW) and Wellingborough Labour Party, but will be Chaired by an independent person. Speakers to open the debate will be from the Labour Party, Conservative Party, Green Party and ISW.



  1. About ten years ago I as asked to speak at such an event, on what I saw as the problems of the disabled in the locality. I never thought to ask them if I could get into the hall since they all knew I'm disabled, down I go to meet six steps and a stairs.

    I had to smile to be asked why I did not turn up, as I asked please tell me how did you think my wheelchair was going to go up six steps and a stairs, the answer did shock, they said for god sake we thought you get out of your wheelchair at least for this.

  2. The Victoria Centre room, where the meeting is being held, is fully accessible for disabled people with mobility difficulties via a lift from the ground floor, which itself is fully accessible

