Friday, 28 January 2011

Wellingborough Council Cuts: Speak Out and Get Involved

There are several ways in which you can make your voice heard against the cuts by Wellingborough Council:

Attend and/or speak at council meetings

The Resources Committee of the Council (which will take decisions on cuts) meets on Wednesday, February 9 at 7.00pm at Swanspool House, Doddington Road.  To speak at the meeting you must make your request by 5.00 pm on the working day before the meeting (this will be Tuesday February 8th). The maximum time limit for addressing the meeting is three minutes per person.You can  speak so long as it directly related to matters on the meeting's agenda.

You can download the request form HERE

The meeting of the full Council which will approve the cuts takes place on Tuesday, March 1 (same place and time as the Resources Committee). The rules relating to speaking at this meeting apply as above.

Get involved in campaigning

A recently formed group - Wellingborough Anti-Cuts Coalition (WACC) - is a broad-based campaign against all damaging cuts to public services in the area and nationally. It was formed by  local trade unionists from UNITE, UNISON and PCS but anyone can get involved. Contact them from their web-site. WACC are holding a day of action against all cuts on Saturday March 12 from 1.30 -3.30 in the Tithe Barn.

Write or e-mail your views

Write to or email the Council from their web-site


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