Sunday 7 October 2007

Questions to be answered

At the next meeting of Wellingborough Council being held on October 23rd I will be asking the following questions:

1. Who is now responsible for collecting commercial waste in the borough?

2. What arrangements are made for the collection of "green" and/or re-cycleable waste from commercial premises?

3. What is the percentage of commercial waste that is re-cycled in the borough?

4. What is the Borough Council doing to encourage commercial and business premises in the borough to maximise re-cycling and/or waste reclamation?

5. What is the Borough Council doing to encourage shops and supermarkets to minimise packaging?

6. What is the Borough Council doing to remove plastic bags from being used the Borough?

7. Should the Borough Council ban plastic bags from being used within the Borough boundary by way of passing a local byelaw?

8. It is apparent that the current domestic waste collection arrangements from terrace properties (e.g. in many parts of Castle Ward) are not working as intended. Whilst fully supporting the three-bin system, for many properties there is simply not enough room to store two (let alone three bins) safely and off the road or pavement. What review (if any) is being undertaken into these arrangements and will residents living in such areas (and Borough Councillors representing such areas) be involved directly in such a review?

I should get both a verbal and written reply to these questions and intend to post them on this blog. Watch this space!

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